Friday, June 9, 2017

The Best Green Personal Hygiene Products

Personal Hygiene Image Used for Green Products blogGreen Personal Hygiene Products Selected With Safety In Mind

I wrote a previous blog on, "Green Products", in which I discuss the need to use green personal hygiene and cleaning products for our own safety.  In this post, I want to focus a little more in depth particularly on research I did on products that are in the category of the best green personal hygiene products to be used based upon the highest ratings on both the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and GoodGuide resources.

My Selection Criteria

The scale for GoodGuide is 1-10 with 10 being the safest and for EWG the scale is also 1-10 with 1 being the safest and 10 being the worst.  Prior to making the selections of these products below, I searched a bunch of commonly used brand name products in each space and narrowed down the selections to only those with a grade on EWG between 1 and 2 and on GoodGuide between 8 and 10.  If it wasn't in that grade range on both, I excluded it.  I only selected one from each category as well, maybe, somewhat biased to what I would have chosen personally if all the choices available were displayed here.  I also tried to stick with household name brands which could easily be found at Walmart or on Amazon and I have provided links if you wish to buy these products.

The research comparison I performed was for the basic items we use for general personal hygiene like soap, moisturizers, shampoo, hair sheen, toothpaste and toothbrush, mouthwash, and deodorant.  Below I will lay out the result I found to be most highly rated on both sources EWG and GoodGuide.  I myself am following these recommendations as well off that further research.  I won't say that any of the products were chosen on the basis of the fragrance because EWG, in particular, gives a lower grade because fragrances are propriety; thus, the ingredients which make it up aren't transparent.  So you will notice that a lot of the products are fragrance free.  Safety is of more importance to me than the smell which generally get the worst scores because they mask what ingredients are being used. 

My Regime

I will move through each of the products as if I'm going through my regime to get ready each day starting with a shower.


I jump in the shower and lather up with Aveeno's Moisturizing bar, which is fragrance free 

EWG Grade
GoodGuide Grade



While in the shower, I wash my hair with the Neutrogena T/Sal as I got this dry scalp issue leading to dandruff.  I know everyone doesn't have this so feel free to use the resources to choose a shampoo that is green for you using the criteria I use for other products in this blog.

EWG Grade

GoodGuide Grade

As I jump out of shower and dry off, it's time to put on lotion to moisturize the skin.


I moisturize my skin with Aveeno's Sheer Hydration and both me and my wife can use this lotion as it is fragrance free and quite unisex.

EWG Grade

GoodGuide Grade



I next put on deodorant, but I should note the Crystal Rock deodorant is not an antiperspirant, but does keep odor at bay better than any of the other natural deodorants I have tried and one last for like a year. 

EWG Grade

GoodGuide Grade


Hair Sheen

Hair sheen or hair products in general is a large topic, but for the basics to nourish my hair and scalp, I use simple coconut oil.  For any other hair products, again feel free to use the resources above to chose hair products that are green and don't pose a hazard to you.

EWG Grade

GoodGuide Grade


Toothpaste, Toothbrush, and Mouthwash

Next, I am brushing my teeth with a Radius toothbrush and using Tom's Whole Care toothpaste.

EWG Grade

GoodGuide Grade

This can be purchased using the Walmart link here and search for Radius Toothbrush.  I like this product because they reuse plastics to create this toothbrush and it comes with replaceable heads. 



I then finish up with rinse using Crest Pro-Health.

EWG Grade

GoodGuide Grade

In Closing

As I complete my personal care regime, I feel confident first and foremost because of my conscious effort to choose and utilize products that pose little health risk to me per the most current scientific knowledge on the ingredients the product is composed of, and secondly because I am so fresh and so clean.

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Also, next time you think to shop at Walmart online, how about clicking through on the banner ad at the bottom of my blog site.  It will be appreciated, but also check out my blog post Loyal3 10 Stock Plan.  If you are spending money in Walmart, you should be owning it too!

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